Swinger Direct to Garment Decorator
Discharge White Ink

How the ink works:
IT Tech "BB-9" Discharge White is an all aqueous water Based screen printable ink which produces an exceptionally "Bright White" print on dark fabrics and delivers a very soft hand when used properly will "effectively displace" the dyes in the printed garment allowing the "printed color" to "take the place" of the fabrics dyed color, thus accomplishing what is commonly known as "discharge".

BB-9 Discharge White modifies the garment color by removing – or discharging – the garment ink color and replacing it with the new ink color from the Brother GT-541. The Discharge ink bleaches out the Reactive dye in the garment fabric, allowing the pigment in the Brother inks to absorb into the shirt fibers providing a dyed-in-the-fabric result.

Technical information:
The garment has to be made of natural fibers (100% cotton). Test First We have found it to work With some blends.

The dye used in the garment must be dischargeable. The best results are achieved with garments that are 100% cotton and dyed with a reactive dye.

The garment cannot have been over dyed (when fabric is re-dyed to another color). This often happens because of a shortage of a certain fabric color or, in many cases, because quality control rejected the fabric color. These rejected colors are then over dyed with a black dye, which can bring problems to life when trying to use discharge inks. The discharge ink might discharge the black dye – only to reveal a phantom color underneath.

Always test your garment first to see if it is dischargeable for printing. Always check with your mill or Garment provider, or use good known dischargeable Shirts. Some manufactures can track the lot numbers. It is possible that different dyes can be used from one lot to the other.

BB-9 Discharge White are water based, so it is important that you use water-resistant emulsion such as ITWR TEXTILE EMULSION (preferably with a stencil hardener) when printing with them.

BB-9 Discharge White can be printed through a variety of meshes from 60-230 monofilament polyester. Printing technique and environment is very important when printing through the higher mesh counts. Note: Variations in the ink deposit control the brightness of the final print. Liquidity and flow are also important when using digital inks. A smooth thin coating on the garment gives the best results when using digital ink. Check and test for your best results, dry heat, humidity and temperature can all be factors and may cause you to adjust for climate conditions.

Drying/curing: It is in the Dryer that the discharge effect takes place. The heat and (hot air), conveyor dryer with hot forced air is ideal for discharging/drying, (electric, infrared or gas are acceptable) and recently discovered a combination of a (Hot air gun and hovering the heat press over your garment method). 45 seconds Then heat pressing it as you would 35 seconds. The longer the oven chamber the better or a slower belt is good for allowing the discharge to take effect.

The recommended drying/curing temperature is between 310 degrees f to 330 degrees f. It can take up to 3 minutes dryer retention time in some cases to complete the discharge this should be tested at each location times and temperatures may vary.

Mixing instructions: Stir ink well before using. Begin by adding from 3% to 7% by weight, of the "Discharge agent" to the BB-9 Discharge White, mix thoroughly; allow the mixture to "relax" for about 5 to 10 minutes prior to printing. Mix only the amount of ink that you will use in about a 4 hour period. Mixing hint: Mixing the a little water (1or 2 tablespoons) into the Activator mixing agent before adding it to the ink base will allow you mix in the agent in a little smoother and more evenly.

Results will vary until you become more familiar with this product. Usage will also vary as your technique improves.

The information and specifications given in this Technical Data Sheet are based on our present knowledge which we believe to be accurate. Regardless, we provide no guarantee pertaining to their accuracy as we cannot anticipate every possible use of our products and because of the nature of the manufacturing process, as fabrics and other materials vary slightly. It is for these reasons our products are sold with no accompanying warranty and on the basis that our users will test the products themselves to ensure that they are suitable for their requirements.